Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Book #010 - A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction

Christopher Alexander, an architect and author, coined the term pattern language. He used it to refer to common problems of civil and architectural design, from how cities should be laid out to where windows should be placed in a room. The idea was initially popularized in his book A Pattern Language.

Alexander's book The Timeless Way of Building describes what he means by pattern language and how it applies to the design and construction of buildings and towns. Patterns thinking has been applied to other fields, ranging from software design, to user interface design, to designing a classroom curriculum.

Simple example of a pattern

Name: ChocolateChipRatio
Context: You are baking chocolate chip cookies in small batches for family and friends
Consider these patterns first: SugarRatio, FlourRatio, EggRatio
Problem: Determine the optimum ratio of chocolate chips to cookie dough
Solution: Observe that most people consider chocolate to be the best part of the chocolate chip cookie. Also observe that too much chocolate may prevent the cookie from holding together, decreasing its appeal. Since you are cooking in small batches, cost is not a consideration. Therefore, use the maximum amount of chocolate chips that results in a really sturdy cookie.
Consider next: NutRatio or CookingTime or FreezingMethod

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